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Active Allyship

Amid the BLM movement, companies, businesses and individuals put out statements showing their support for the movement and their outrage at the injustices that resonate in many working and social environments. A lot of these statements read as cookie-cutter, buzzword, scripted posts which portrayed the company as aware, responsive and eager for change. 

So what is an active ally exactly? 

According to Building Allies, An Active-Ally is someone who witnesses an injustice and responds to it in any situation. Being an active alley doesn’t come with a playbook or a step by step guide. The best way to be an active alley is by listening and learning. Being aware of one’s privilege helps as well – like really really helps. It is up to the individuals who hold that privilege to be active allies to those who have less representation, less access and less of a platform to be seen or heard.  

Below are some ways main things that make businesses and individuals a better ally:

  1. Listening. It sounds simple but this is what people have trouble with the most, especially the people who like to be heard. The best way to learn anything is to listen to either educators or people who have experienced something that you have not. Sit back. Listen and learn.

  2. Check yourself. Again, not something that comes easily to everyone but very important if you are wanting to be the change you want to see in the world. Spend time checking your own bias as everyone can fall into bad habits.

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