Career Skills Workshops
Teach your employees essential career skills so you can increase engagement, turn them into brand ambassadors and retain them in the business.
Personal Branding
Learn how to leverage social media to elevate your career profile and build your network in the industry.
During this workshop we’ll learn:
How a personal brand can increase career satisfaction
How to use social media to build your network
Sustainable, authentic ways to maintain an online presence
Art of Negotiation
Learn how to ask for what you want at work. State your needs in a way that feels authentic and sustainable.
During this workshop we’ll learn:
How to create a compelling ask
How to get the attention of senior leadership
Sustainable, authentic ways to bounce back from rejection
Building Confidence & Navigating Imposter Syndrome
Learn how to discuss the blockers to building confidence. Understand what makes the workplace unfair. Level the playing field.
During this workshop we’ll learn:
The latest research on imposter syndrome
Common blockers to confidence building e.g. bias and bullying
New vocabulary to gain the right support at work
Growth Mindset & Building Resilience
Learn how to stay focused in a changing world. Be ready to respond to any challenging situation. Turn setbacks into opportunities.
During this workshop we’ll learn:
The latest research on growth mindset
Mental frameworks for dealing with setbacks
How to stay resilient when things don’t go to plan