Bias in recruitment

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Our bias affects every decision we make. Whether we are aware of it or not, our bias will determine who we choose to interview, how we interview them and who we hire. Bias can manifest in many different ways. We rely on our bias to feel in control and comfortable, so as soon as our bias is challenged, we become defensive. Here are some examples of bias’ that occur within recruitment:

Affinity bias

Affinity bias relates to us preferring people like us and disliking people who are not like us. According to Lean In, affinity bias comes from “mental shortcuts used to simplify the world around us”. Put simply, we rely on stereotypes as a way of processing and understanding. Interestingly enough, it has been documented that Men view unconscious bias as the number one barrier women face in their careers.

Gender Bias (preferring candidates who are the gender as you).

According to Bultin, a man is 1.5x more likely to be hired than a woman. Shockingly, this stat comes from both men and women.

What can you do about it? 

  • In your next team meeting or all hands. When hiring for your next role, make sure the interview board is not made up of one type of person. Adapt!

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