How to be pro-Black at work

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Being Black in tech should not be a burden

Since 2016 Hustle Crew has provided talks, training and mentorship to make tech more inclusive. I launched this company because I was fed up of the lack of representation in tech, and often being the only Black person in the room. As Black people in the workplace we, like other underrepresented folks, are used to diluting our identity, facing double standards and harsher penalties, and being ignored. This must change.

I’ve been disproportionately blamed when projects have gone wrong. I’ve been passed up for opportunities teammates less accomplished were given. I’ve faced bullying and insults and had my employer-induced traumas diminished and even worse ignored. I’ve been accused of lying by my teammates when explaining events that happened to me at work. Why?

Why are teams not diverse and inclusive by default?

I often ask the companies I work with: “Why are teams not diverse and inclusive by default?” It’s a question we should be asking ourselves daily. The answer is complex. We have a workplace plagued with racism, sexism and other types of discrimination because most employers, leaders and key decision-makers have not made sufficient effort to educate themselves about bias, privilege and structural oppression. As a result, their company structures and strategies do not optimize for inclusion and equality.

Pro-Black actions to take at work

If you want to be pro-Black at work, and pro-all underrepresented identities, you must educate yourself on the root causes of inequality, and lean into research that illustrates how double standards and discrimination play out in the workplace. Each of us has the opportunity to be an employee advocate. Company culture is a composite of each of our words and actions.

Become a Hustle Crew Member today and access tools to drive change

My dream is to fill communities with agents of change who strive for inclusion, so that in the not-too-distant future, a younger version of me has a much smoother ride in her career.

Investing in a Hustle Crew Membership will empower you to advocate for positive, lasting change in your community. Each week you will receive a special newsletter with resources to help you increase pro-Blackness and equality at work. I’ll also host a free monthly workshop for members to dive deeper into these themes and over time I hope you learn how to create and facilitate your own workshops, too.

Sign up here today (and ask your boss if you can expense it).


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