“Is that REALLY a Microagression?”

Money is my valentine… jk!

But…keeping the peace never got anyone paid quicker! Keep raising your voice - equal work deserves equal pay, in ALL scenarios.

Join us tomorrow for a free live session on how to finally get paid your worth and negotiate like a boss, you’ll learn how to:

✅ How to create a menu of options when asked for your fees

✅ How to negotiate a high fee when you don’t know the budget available

✅ How to build the confidence to demand high fees for your collaborations and contributions

✅ How to go into negotiation mode with clarity so that 'every body wins'

Join now - tomorrow at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm GMT

How to Bounce Back from Making a Mistake at Work

We’ve all been there. Making a mistake at work can be one of the worst feelings ever - from cringing to feeling embarrassed and maybe even ashamed, it can be hard to bounce back from. But hope isn’t lost – here’s a pep-talk to get you back on track.

In the words of one of our amazing consultants, Jaz, it’s okay to say “I don’t know” — be open about where there are gaps in your knowledge and you might be surprised at how much support is waiting for you on the other side.

How to Prepare for International Women’s Month

With just 2 weeks to go, we’re excited to celebrate International Women’s Month! As a female-led team, we’re proud to see women being celebrated for how much work (both seen and unseen) we put into making our world a better place.

If you’re looking for new and exciting ways to celebrate International Women’s Month, get in touch — from speaking gigs and workshops, we’ve got you covered.

Is that REALLY a microaggression? Yes and here’s what to do about it

“It’s a compliment, not a microaggression!” - let’s unpack that.

73% of women experience microaggressions (not to mention other Black and Brown people, our LBGTQ+ friends and other underrepresented people), so how come people STILL don’t understand what they are? Let’s break it down:

Leaders and managers, you have a stunning opportunity in front of you to change things. Here are some ways to get started:

  • Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. How would it feel to be judged by stereotypes of a group instead of based on your own merit?

  • Push for external training and workshops — getting an expert to work with your colleagues provides an experienced, objective voice to help you accelerate progress.


Walking Away Is the Key to Growth


Pricing And Negotiation