Hustle Crew

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How to run meetings in a more inclusive way

We’ve all been there. Arrived at a meeting ready to present, only to be asked to take notes by a senior member. Or when trying to make a point – John from sales can’t help but interrupt at any given opportunity. 

Instead of encouraging free thought and conversation flow, we often find ourselves fighting for space and to be heard. This can be down to colleagues inter-personal communication style, a lack of awareness or just plain rudeness.

In a study conducted by Don Zimmerman and Candace West, sociologists at the University of California, Santa Barbara – in a male/female group dynamic, there were 48 interruptions, 46 of which were instances of a man interrupting a woman. Instead of talking over one another and breaking the flow of creativity and progress, we think it’s important to highlight some housekeeping rules everyone should follow.

Below are some tips on how to run a meeting more inclusively:

  • Read the room and actively listen. Before you go to speak, ask yourself: Am I interrupting to get clarity or just to be heard? Can my point wait?

  • Create a safe space. Gone are the days where the big boss sits at the top of the table. Why not have a meeting in a breakout room, a nearby coffee shop, or a community space so there is no hierarchy.

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